Michael Le Bail

CEO & president of Gelscom

Michael Le Bail has almost 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in general and biotechnology in particular.

He is a molecular biologist with business training from the INSEAD. Michael’s career in the industry already started at university, working as medical visitor for Searle. He advanced rapidly in Searle’s sales & marketing division, then moved to UCB Pharma in 1993 to become director of the Paris region. Michael left UCB to help found the French affiliate of Genzyme Inc in 1995. He created and directed their therapeutic division, concentrating on orphan disease. Thanks to Michael’s contribution the French division became a company leader – it was the most profitable division, the one that brought two major biologicals to market even before the US parent. By the time he left to found Gelscom SAS Michael was responsible for Business Development and managed intergroup relations in close contact with Genzyme General in Boston.