

Gelscom was created in France in July 2005.
We are an innovative, private and independent company.

Gelscom has exclusive rights to patents from academic research.

Gelscom has two activities:

  • One is to assist pharmaceutical laboratories and biotech companies to improve their business development strategy to insure more rapid market entry with better products.
  • The other is the industrial development, production and comarketing of our own products.

Gelscom has been initially registered at Chartres under the following number n°483 156 071 000 19 - Code APE 3250A and is now based at Hérouville-Saint-Clair in Normandy at the north belt of CAEN.

Gelscom is now registered at CAEN under the number n°483 156 071 00027.

Approved exporter n°FR000720/0289.

Actor identification Number: FR-MF-000000163

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